Diabetic Foot

Diabetes is a chronic disease with a high morbimortalityrate affecting approximately 200 million people worldwide.
The diabetic foot is a complication of diabetes in which the lack of blood supply is combined with neuropathy (involvement of different nerve fibres) and infection by immunity alteration.
One-third of all diabetic patients develop, with age, symptoms in the lower extremity, as there is the presence of high levels of sugar in the blood, a fact that over time, can damage nerves and blood vessels and can cause a loss of sensation in the feet;one may not even feel a cut, blister or sore, which can cause ulcers and infections. Severe cases can even result in amputation.
Prevention through periodic revisions is essential to avoid complications at the vascular, neuropathic or ulcerative level.
Shoe therapy is also an important factor to consider along with treatment, since it is necessary to wear made-to-measure shoes for the patient’s pathology.
At our centre we take into account all the peculiarities entailed in being a risk patient, and for this, we will advise and treat you, considering all your needs while working with other specialists to provide a comprehensive treatment.
Ulcers are depressed lesions which appear on feet with a changeable affectation, they can be from the most superficial layer of the skin (epidermis), to osseous structures on a necrotic process and with a common feature, the difficulty of cicatrization or impromptu cure. Classification according to its etiopathogeny: Neuropathic ulcer (45 – 60%). Neuroischemic ulcer […]
The Charcot’s syndrome is a degenerative peripheral neuropathy, chronic and progressive which affects to one or more peripheral joints. The pathology develops by a lack of normal sensory and nociceptive proprioception in the innervations of foot and ankle joints. The Diabetes Mellitus, with a high level of glycemia in blood kept in time, causes two […]
Regarding amputations, the stump’s more suitable length is the one who best keeps comfort, function and aesthetics. The prosthesis must make an exact alignment and to have an easy and comfortable placing. It is very important to have a static and dynamic rest, to re-establish the balance, to damp impacts, as well as to supply […]