Dermatological Alterations

This covers the dermatological illnesses and affections common to feet.
Many dermatological affections can be found in the foot, such as hyperkeratosisand helomas(corns and calluses), fungal infections (athlete’s foot), bacteria (erythrasma, pittedkeratolysis) and viruses (papillomas or warts), alterations in sweat (hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, xerosis or dry skin), keratoderma or pathological thickening of the skin, eczema Dyshidrotic (vesicles accompanied by itching), atopic dermatitis (skin disease with a lot of itching), psoriasis, tumors, etc
We also find nail problems:Onychocryptosisor ingrown toenail, onychogryphosis or horn nails, onychomycosis (fungal nails), chromonychiasor changes in normal colouration of nails, subungualexocytosis or bony prominences, tumours, etc.
The treatment covers both the drug therapy, conservative and preventive measures, the application of a laser system in nail and dermatological disorders and even when necessary, the use of surgery, this being under local anaesthesia and as an outpatient (the patient will be discharged after the procedure), ensuring a professional and personalised treatment.
We define the synovial cyst, also known as ganglion, as a defined rounded mass located near an articulation. They are round or oval benign tumors and there is inside a jellylike mucoid liquid. They are usually asymptomatic and have a variable size, they can be bigger with time by the movement of the adjacent articulation. […]
The bullous pemphigoid is a chronic dermic disease which begins with big ampules and filled with a clear liquid. The bullous pemphigoid is more common among adults and appears in skin folds such as armpits, abdomen and extremities and it is not contagious. The cause of this lesion is the interaction of the immune system […]
Ulcers are depressed lesions which appear on feet with a changeable affectation, they can be from the most superficial layer of the skin (epidermis), to osseous structures on a necrotic process and with a common feature, the difficulty of cicatrization or impromptu cure. Classification according to its etiopathogeny: Neuropathic ulcer (45 – 60%). Neuroischemic ulcer […]