Institut Català del Peu


We could say, practically, that in 95% of our biomechanical analysis, we mainly examine the lower member, being the race, one of our most assessed sports in our clinic. We analyze the functional or specific movement to sport on our biomechanical assessments and, the foot, has a fundamental importance. Therefore, before examining the different joints, it is essential to know specifically what kind of foot the sportsman/sportswoman has and how it works when it supports the body weight on statics and dynamics. This is still something more essential in runners. On a podiatrist level, we can observe if it is a “pathological” foot or with some specificity to keep in mind and so, to understand if it can be the origin of certain problems which may suffer from. So, we examine the foot on a couch (statics and without charge), on a podoscope (on statics charge), pressures platform on statics and dynamics and we examine how it works when running. All these specific tests are made by our podiatrists, giving feedback to our experts on sporting biomechanics if the cause of the problems which suffers the sportsman/sportswoman can be on foot. The problems which suffers  the sportsman/sportswoman may take place on any joint or muscle and have its origin on foot. When a sportsman/sportswoman visits us, most of the time does it because he/she finds on our work the significance of this mission in multidisciplinary synergies. Apart from that, it is curious that a low per cent of our sportsmen/sportswomen have a pathological foot as to determine that the origin of their lesions is only in his/her foot. It is true that we frequently have ankle instabilities, certain deficiencies on intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of foot, etc., which the origin of problems, was in most of our sportsmen/sporstwomen, multifactorial. When we are talking about multifactorial origin is because we find different intrinsic and extrinsic reasons to the sportsman/sportswoman, sparking off a series of deficiencies which we call biomechanical failures. Therefore, a biomechanical failure may be caused by intrinsic factors to the sportsman/sportswoman, like for instance, to have a pathological foot, the muscular weak state in different muscles and in different joint levels, race technique, training, etc.; or may be caused by extrinsic factors to the sportsman/sportswoman, like for example, inappropriate shoes, the terrain, etc. These biomechanical failures will cause that joints will not work correctly and, after some time, will cause wears on cartilages, movements levels wider than normal, etc. and, all this will finish with problems and pain. Once we have the podiatric clinical information, we carry out the biomechanical tests and data and results are achieved in order to bring about the origin of problems, pains or lesions of the sportsman/sportswoman. Subsequently, we give to the sportsman/sportswoman a medical report with all the tests and results talked about with a succession of proposals of improvement exercises in order to improve the biomechanical failure. We have to highlight that most of the proposals which are in the medical report are previously practiced during the biomechanical session. Thus, the sportsman/sportswoman will know to practice the advised proposals by himself/herself, although we always advise to carry out a monitoring with a sport professional whom we are available to solve any doubt about the biomechanical test, results or given proposals. SHOES ARE AN EXTRINSIC FACTOR. Shoes have changed and evolved a lot in the last years, and many runners, most of them popular, do not know which shoes to choose. Besides, there are a lot of opinions, fashion, kinds of shoes . . .  and we think we have to choose regarding these factors or when trying and see what happens. Probably, the best option will be to try and see what happens. However, it is an intrinsic factor, difficult to control. THEN? To understand how shoes can affect the shape and running technique, it is indispensable to know how your foot is and the debilities it may have. Then, if there are problems, first of all it should be: YES, SPECIALISTS ARE THERE FOR HELPING YOU! Do not try to find solutions by yourself, without the help of a professional, you will not probably find the best solution. IN A BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS . . . We have to know possible deficiencies when running, and also to know: TO UNDERSTAND IF POSSIBLE DEFICIENCIES  WHEN RUNNING DO NOT ONLY COME FROM THOSE FACTORS DIRECTLY RELATED WITH RACE, IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD: Most of lesions or relapses are not caused by an only one factor.
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